Public Health

Indian public health care delivery system is going through a transforming phase. Since the launch of NRHM in the year 2005, public health  infrastructure, demand & supply of services and resources required for the delivery of the service have improved to a great extent and there is of  course a lot of scope to improve also. Government of India has also increased the health care expenditure since then and it is 2-3 % of GDP.  Government has launched various health programmes addressing mainly Mother & Child health Services such as JSSK , Routine Immunization, and  some other programme like Family Planning, safe abortions etc. But somehow at the ground level, the programmes are not implemented to the  extent government wants it to due to various reasons such as untimely approval of funds, inappropriate allocation of resources, physical  infrastructure etc.


  • Routine monitoring support &
  • Rapid assessments Feasibility studies & DPR Documentation &  Dissemination
  • GIS & AI based solutions PPP contractual design with
  • special emphasis on balancing
  • private and public objectives


  • Conduct Training need assessment of the Human resource
  • Design a continuous Training programme/calendar for  the staffs
  • Impart training to the staff on different modules by the field experts
  • Develop evaluation tools to check the effect of training on the staffs


  • Facility Audits
  • Operationalization of
  • facilities
  • Establishing Policies/SOPs/Manuals
  • Internal & External Assessments
  • Development of Training modules and training material
  • Assessments under NQAP and Kayakalp


  • Baseline & End-line studies
  • Facility & Programme
  • Impact Surveys
  • Concurrent Evaluation
  • Economic Evaluations